Huge curves to take your biggest locos! 12 pieces to form a circle.
Author: Terry
Bachmann, Railtruck
Micro Trains Z, Northern Set.
Micro Trains N, Soo LIne Set
Micro Trains N, CP Boxcar
A specialised newsprint only carrier 50′ boxcar. In older CPR script lettering.
Micro Trains Z, Straight Tracks
12 pieces of 220mm straight tracks.
Micro Trains Z, Oval Track Set
A complete track outfit with wires. Less transformer.
Bachmann, Packing Crates
Set of two wood crates to ship away. Open on one end , so you can fill them up.
Bachmann, Foliage
This time, it’s a lighter green to blend in with the the darker colour. 30 cu, in. of leaves. Add some pizzazz to your layout.
Bachmann , Foliage
Dark green, perfect for your barren forest. Contains 30 cu. in. of material.